Monday, October 25, 2010


Next stop, Rome! :) After 3 nights in Venice we flew to Rome and even though we were exhausted from getting up early and flying we decided to make the most of our first day in Rome by visiting the Coliseum. We paid for a tour guide which was a really good decision. I learned so much more about the history that I did not know before. Made the experience much more real and interesting. And the tickets we bought included a second tour of Palatine Hill - the beginning of Roman history. Our second tour guide (who was English) was incredibly fascinating. You could tell by her explanations that she loved her job. When describing the people of ancient Rome entering the palace of Emperor she said, "I like to imagine myself as a little barbarian..." (in her English accent) and went on to describe the act of approaching the ruler. One of the best tour lines I have ever heard!

View of Palatine Hill from the Coliseum
It was hard to believe that in such a big city people drove by the Coliseum every day on their way to work. I can't image seeing that everyday!

View of Roman Forum from the top of Palatine Hill

You can see where the major road cuts right through the ancient ruins!

The next morning we had kind of a late start by the time all six of us showered and agreed on a place for breakfast. We didn't get to the Vatican until about noon and by this time the line is about 4 hours long. There are tons and tons of tour guides and their companies that come up to you and convince you to pay and extra 30 Euro to skip the line and get the tour. Since we had a good experience at the Coliseum we thought it might be worth it so we paid 15 Euro extra to skip the line but not get the tour. Well, this time it turned out to be a scam. We ended up waiting in 2 different lines to be able to cut the long line and the whole process took about 2.5 hours. Was it worth it? Still not sure but at least we were able to get in the Vatican Museum and spend a good 3 hours in there before it closed. We found out later that 6 saints were canonized that week so we might not have been "scammed" so bad if it wasn't such a busy week for the Pope. And although I didn't actually see Pope Benedict XVI, I have a plan for the next time I visit Rome (see picture below) - or I could buy a ticket in advance. 

Trying to climb the wall of the Vatican to avoid the lines
Although a lot of our day was spent standing in lines, seeing the Sistine Chapel was worth it. Obviously my camera couldn't capture its true beauty but I think I did pretty well. I overheard a tour guide telling his group we to stand to get the best picture and avoid waking up with a sore neck the next morning. He was right! All I wanted to do was lay down in the middle of the floor and gaze up at the ceiling for a while but it was so crowded everyone was already standing shoulder to shoulder. 

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
There are many museums or exhibits within the Vatican Museum. One in particular displayed all the different means of transportation the Pope has taken over the years. Not a bad ride. :)

The Pope-Mobil
One of my favorite places in Rome was the Trevi fountain. We heard it was better to go at night because the fountain is lit up and looks incredible. There are also a whole lot less people there and you are able to sit down and enjoy the view for a bit instead of spending a half hour fighting through the crowed to get the the front and make your wish. Legend says that if you throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain you are sure to return to Rome. I hope it's true!
Making a wish in the Trevi Fountain
You think I would have learned my lesson at the Vatican the day before but I slept late again on our third day in Rome because we were out late the night before. By the time we go to St. Peter's Basilica the line was extremely long and we decided our Trevi Fountain wishes would come true and we would go inside the Basilica on our next trip to Rome. The square was beautiful and I can only imagine what it look like inside! The first day our tour guide told us that there is a law in Rome that prohibits buildings from being built higher than St. Peter's.

St. Peter's Basilica
And to end an already amazing stay in Rome, I turned 21 on our last night there! It was fun to celebrate with the new friends I have made abroad. They were all really sweet and made a bigger deal about it for me because I wasn't with all my friends and family from home and 21 is not significant in Europe. We celebrated like we were in America though! :)

Midnight on my 21st Birthday! :)

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